Welcome to the home page of the Civil Service Bar Association (“CSBA”). We proudly represent approximately 900 attorneys who are employed by the City of New York in its dozens of agencies and authorities. Our members work hard and smart each day, enabling their employer to properly and lawfully serve the men, women, children and businesses who reside or do business in this great city.
CSBA energetically and unapologetically advocates for our members. We absolutely must be treated with dignity and respect, and receive compensation commensurate with our level of education, expertise and experience. Many of our members are carrying student loans in excess of $100,000.
Make no mistake: It is in all New Yorkers’ interests that NYC government attorneys have a career path and the financial ability to remain with their respective agencies. Experience makes for better attorneys, and better attorneys serving in the public interest, as we do, better assist the public!
The pages that follow are designed to assist our members with routine questions and situations, on a 24/7 basis. Always feel free to call us, during normal business hours, for more information or to report a situation or issue we should become aware of, at (212) 675-0519 or email us confidentially (from your personal email account) at csbainfo@local237.org.
Thank you, and once again, welcome!